Chakras 101
Original 7 Energy Centers
Have you heard about these things called Chakras and want to know more?
Curious about your Energy Body and how it works with your Physical Being?
Wonder what Sanskrit, Mudras, and Yantras are?
Would you like to work on a Spiritual level to create a more balanced and transformative life?
In this course we will delve into these subjects and SO much more
Tracy will lead you on a gentle nurturing journey to discover, maybe for the first time, your very own 'wheels of light' called Chakras. And in this course we will focus our attention on Your Original 7 Chakras that are within your Subtle Energy Body.
Your Original 7 Chakras correlate to your different aspects of your physical well being while you are here on the Physical Plane. And when you know what they are and how to work with them you can have major shifts that help you understand yourself on a whole new level!
With a light-hearted and fun approach, we'll cover such topics as:
The History of Chakras, The 411 & Orientation of Each Chakra, Color Theory, Energy Healing, Modalities, Tools, and other fascinating information
You'll learn to create an Energy Measuring Device, and How to Perform an Energy Scan among other things.
And after you complete 100% of the course I've got a package of goodies that will help you continue the momentum of learning and working with your Original 7 Chakras!
Welcome! I look forward to greeting you inside!
Tracy Una Wagner
Lesson 1: Introduction
FREE PREVIEWLesson 2: Course Outline
FREE PREVIEWLesson 3: Free Gift Information
FREE PREVIEWLesson 4: Rainbows Inside Us
Lesson 5: Introduce Yourself
A Place Where The Space Resonates Love
Lesson 6: The History of Chakras
Lesson 7: What Is Sanskrit?
Lesson 8: Sanskrit Chakra Meanings
Lesson 9: Wheels Of Light
Lost In Translation
Lesson 10: Western Philosophy
Lesson 11: Yoga and Chakras
Lesson 12: Meditation and Chakras
Lesson 13: Energy Healing and Chakras
A Quick Note On "Activations"
Meditation and Chakras
Lesson 15: What is Energy?
Lesson 16: How to Work with Energy
Lesson 17: Working with Chakra Energy
Lesson 19: Energy Healing Basics
Modalities, Tools, and Situations
Lesson 20: Orientation of Your Original 7 Chakras
Lesson 21: The 411 of Your Original 7 Chakras
Lesson 22: More on Your Original 7 Chakras
Lesson 23: The Energy of Colors
Lesson 24: Basics of Color Theory
Lesson 25: Original 7 Chakras and Their Colors
More On Color Theory
Lesson 26: What is Scanning?
Lesson 27: Scanning Chakras
Performing a Scan On Others
Break-Out Sessions
Lesson 28: What We Learned
Lesson 28: Thank You for Participating!
Lesson 29: Resources, What's Next, and Your Free Gift!